Monday, 9 June 2014

The Teams

The most important things to know, of course, are the teams that are taking part in the tournament.
Here is a list of the teams who have qualified to compete in the football World Cup 2014.

Hosts: Brazil

South America: Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile and Uruguay

North/Central America and Caribbean: United States, Costa Rica, Honduras and Mexico

Asia: Japan, Australia, Iran and South Korea

Africa: Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Ghana and Algeria

Europe: Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, England, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Croatia and France.

The group wise break-up of the teams is as follows -

Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E Group F Group G Group H
Brazil Spain Colombia Uruguay Switzerland Argentina Germany Belgium
Croatia Netherlands Greece Costa Rica Ecuador Bosnia-Herzegovina Portugal Algeria
Mexico Chile Ivory Coast England France Iran Ghana Russia
Cameroon Australia Japan Italy Honduras Nigeria USA South Korea

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